2023 has been a record breaking year because over the last couple of days and for the 6th time this year, the Aurora Borealis has been witnessed at abnormally low latitudes again, this time in Turkey, Greece & Texas. Usually these events occur once or twice a decade due to powerful solar flares from the sun. But these aren’t powerful flares that are causing this anymore, Earth’s magnetic field has been rapidly weakening over the last few decades allowing more charge particles to flood our atmosphere at lower latitudes.
Back in 2014 they discovered that Earth’s magnetic field was weakening by 5% per decade rather than 5% per century, that’s 10 times faster than before. Instead of the original projection of being 2000 years before the next magnetic reversal is likely to occur, it could be as little as 200 years or sooner if it begins to accelerate from here onward. See here – https://www.livescience.com/46694-magnetic-field-weakens.html
Over the last 5.01 million years there have been 21 such reversals, averaging one every 211,500 years. The shortest period between each one has been 60,000 years whilst the longest period being since the last one that occurred 780,000 years ago.
Hence, our planet is well over due for a magnetic reversal and as we draw closer to one we can expect disruptions with satellites and electronic equipment along with migratory animals which rely on the Earths magnetic field for navigation. On top of that, since the Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the charged particles of the solar wind and whatever electromagnetic energy the sun throws at us, we can expect Earths weather and climate systems to be affected.