
As any lightworker will tell you…

As any lightworker will tell you…

As any lightworker will tell you, we cannot eradicate darkness by shining our light where its not needed. We must find the courage and strength to shine our light into the darkness for it to dissipate. It's the same with hate, only when we shower it with love can we...

Dreaming is like the decentralization of the soul

Dreaming is like the decentralization of the soul

Dreaming is like the decentralization of the soul. You are nothing, but everything, you are nowhere, but everywhere at the same time. It’s only when you wake up that you become centralized again into the here and now, a mere figment of who and what you are. We are...

Experience is one of our best teachers in life

Experience is one of our best teachers in life

Our greatest teachers in life are not what we see, read, smell, touch or taste in the external world, it’s through what we experience inside firsthand. For instance, we can read and see as much as we want about love, hate and all the rest, but its not until we experience it firsthand do we understand what they’re truly teaching us.