
Like global temperatures, what goes up, must come down…

Like global temperatures, what goes up, must come down…

Don't be caught off guard if this keeps falling well below the Great Recession of 2008 to well beyond the 50 years this graph shows and continues to drop to levels not seen since the World War 2 or even the Great Depression. Hence I warned everyone a 3 years ago about...

As any lightworker will tell you…

As any lightworker will tell you…

As any lightworker will tell you, we cannot eradicate darkness by shining our light where its not needed. We must find the courage and strength to shine our light into the darkness for it to dissipate. It's the same with hate, only when we shower it with love can we...

Chronicles of an Unvaccinated Leftist

Chronicles of an Unvaccinated Leftist

"However, during COVID-19, I saw an opportunity to conduct a significant personal experiment on prejudice. The idea for this arose when I read a scientific article published in Nature titled “Discriminatory attitudes against unvaccinated people during the pandemic.“...

Same history different versions

Same history different versions

I used to love reading all the ancient creation myths from across the world as they detailed the creation of the universe and how man came about. When you start reading ancient texts, the oldest being from Sumeria you'll find many a scripture you would recognize. Most...

Brexit leaves UK trade unscathed, finds new IEA report

Brexit leaves UK trade unscathed, finds new IEA report

This should silence all those doom and gloomers anti-Brexiteers once and for all, along with pulling the rug under any future plans they were making to try and rejoin the EU. This is what happens when a sovereign nation removes the chains from centralized control,...

You learn something everyday

You learn something everyday

After what I’m about to post, you might just start looking at the holocaust in a completely different way and ask the same question. Did the Zionists sell out their own people that led to the slaughter of millions of innocent Jews to serve their own agenda, to create...