During September 2021 I sourced and went through all the official raw data from England UK in regards to cases, deaths, vaccinations, hospitalizations, place of death, lab test results, fatality rates etc and built up a complete timeline of the pandemic data into one graph. Now I’ve done this it’s just a case of copying & pasting the raw data from any country to produce the same thing.
Since 1st October 2020 lab tests have been done on 227,214 positive samples from cases & deaths (221,507 Sequenced & 5707 Genotyped). With 4,353 deaths this makes the Fatality Rate of the Alpha strain 1.92%.
The Fatality rate in the first wave reached a whopping 18.35% on 15th March 2020 and has been dropping ever since. This was during the time when “Save The NHS” became the mantra of the day. The results being, people stayed at home which explains why the home deaths peaked like never before. It was also the time when they decided put the Covid cases into the care homes which explains why their deaths also peaked like never before.
Despite all the peaks & troughs of cases & deaths during the 3 waves, Fatality Rates from all cases & deaths didn’t drop to 1.92% until 6th September 2021. It dropped to 1.89% by 14th September 2021, by which time the fully vaxxed reached 84.1% of the population.
Has the vaxxes worked?
It’s impossible to say now because the current fatality rate is around the same as the all the lab tests have been showing since 1st October 2020.
But here’s the problem, Alpha it seems is on its way out as the Delta strain becomes more dominant. The 3rd wave in England began in June 2021 and despite an increase in cases, deaths haven’t increased at the same rate as seen in previous waves. By the first week of July, Delta made up 99% of all new cases and as of 14th September it’s now 99.99% according to all the tests that have been sent to the labs.
From 593,861 lab tests (351,042 Sequenced & 242,819 Genotyped) conducted since 1st February 201 show the Fatality rate for Delta and the fully vaxxed currently sits at 1.02% for and 0.42% for the unvaxxed.
It’ll be months away before we can gauge how effective the vaxxes are, after all the clinical trials have only ever been done on healthy people, not a wide population with various levels of health issues. On top of this, both Pfizer and Moderna have vaxxed their control group so there’s no long term data available to us from the original clinical trials.
Since only the unvaxxed can be control groups and already the 593,861 lab tests show the fully vaxxed have a fatality rate 3.65 times higher than the unvaxxed. Even if fatality rates due drop from 1.85% to 1.02% as the lab test show, we still have to take into account the unvaxxed fatality rate of 0.42%. So far it’s not looking promising because for any medication or vaccine to actually work, it HAS to perform much better than the control group.
The graph attached is all the raw data from various government sources.