Around the end of November when the numbers started to role in about Omicron I said that it was 10 time less fatal than Delta, which was 10 times less fatal than Alpha. With a 91% drop in deaths, looks like I was spot on about Omicron being 10 times less fatal than Delta.
They’ve already suggesting that Omicron has peak in some countries and it appears the less fatal and transmittable they become the less time they’re in circulation. Alpha was dominant for 16 months in the UK and had a Case Fatality Rate of 2%, Delta has been dominant for around 6 months with a CFR of 0.2% and Omicron having a CFR of 0.02%.
To put this into another perspective, if Alpha killed 100,000 people, Delta would kill 10,000 people and Omicron would kill 1,000. It just so happens, these are the exact numbers you would see if every single man, woman and child in New Zealand caught each of the strains. We know that’s never going to happen so we’re never going to see these figures.
Here’s another perspective, both NZ Herald & Stuff over the last couple of years have stated that around 200,000 people catch influenza each year which leads to approx. 500 deaths.
See here –
Thus the Case Fatality Rate for influenza in NZ works out as 100/200,000*500 = 0.25% and thus Delta was in fact less fatal than your everyday influenza here in NZ. Another point worth mentioning is this is with annual Influenza vaccines and thus without them the CFR would be much higher for influenza. If these figures are true from the MSM, why on hell have they and the government gone down the path of scaring the shit out of people which is making people do crazy things.
Now let’s see what Jacinda has to say today shall we and whether she ramps up the fearmongering when it comes to Omicron. If she does, you know she is lying once again.