When an insane world thinks critical thinkers are insane you know fine well the collapse of civilization is just round the corner because people as a whole will believe anything and everything they are told.
Once again only approx. 17,000 deaths from Covid and Covid alone in the UK, average age of death being 81.5.
Average age of death of all people in the whole of UK who died of Covid in 2020 was 82.4 (Source: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/average-age-of-coronavirus-fatalities-is-82-pcwqrzdzz) and 82.5 in 2021.
When you take into consideration that 95%+ people had reached the average age of death with one of more comorbidities it just goes to show this whole pandemic response approach achieved nothing, even after 12 months of the vax roll out has done nothing to quell things.
Profound data Dr Campbell says, not really because I was saying the exact same thing way back in May last year.
Pure and utter madness, especially when they are pushing to jab kids. I saw the queues the other day to gets the kids vaxxed, like lambs to the slaughter by parents that can be only described as clueless and obedient to whatever the TV tells them. Its just sad watching it when you have a little bit of common sense as it doesn’t take much to question things.