Call me crazy for not believing whatever wild and wacky conspiracies from politicians and the MSM, but non-Covid excess deaths were mounting up in the fully vaxxed long before 2022. Here’s how to prove it…
Take the Technical Briefings from the UK government titled SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England
From the 23rd July 2021 Report
Unvaxxed CFR – 100 / 121402 * 165 = 0.14%
Fully Vaxxed CFR – 100 / 28773 * 224 = 0.78%
Difference is 0.78 / 0.14 = 557% increase in deaths compared to the unvaxxed.
That means for every unvaxxed person who died of Covid, 5.57 fully vaccinated would die of Covid.
From the 17th September 2021 Report
Unvaxxed CFR – 100 / 257357 * 722 = 0.28%
Fully Vaxxed CFR – 100 / 157400 * 1613 = 1.02%
Difference is 1.02 / 0.28 = 364% increase in deaths compared to the unvaxxed.
That means for every unvaxxed person who died of Covid, 3.64 fully vaccinated people would die of Covid.