In September 2021 I wrote
UK Government released their biweekly Public Health England – SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 23 report.
I’ve collected all the data from the previous reports that contain this data and used it to generate the following graph. Fatalities rates are slightly up from the previous report for both groups.
Based on 351,042 Sequenced Cases & 242,819 Genotyped Cases, these are the Fatality Rates for both the Fully Vaxxed and Unvaxxed with the Fully Baxxed being 3.64 times more at risk from death than the Unvaxxed.

Using the official figures from these reports which contain bi-weekly cases and deaths it was simple enough to work out the Case/Infection Fatality Rates as the equation is very simple which CFR/IFR = 100/cases*deaths. As these were genotyped we could work out the CFR/IFR for both Alpha & Delta. At the time Delta start making an appearance the vaccine rollout in England & Wales was only really starting to take off. The CFR/IFR’s included those who had one or 2 shots, however I suspected at the time that these would be higher still for the vaccinated because nobody was classes as vaccinated until 2 weeks after their second shot. Considering I know first hand these shorts were killing people anywhere from 5 minutes after a getting their first or second shot, these deaths would never be counted
Fast forward to July 2023 and official data from the Office Of National Statistics in the UK confirms what I was saying 2 years ago after crunching all the figures from the Public Health England & Scotland weekly reports. The more jabs you got the more likely you were to die. Shame the warnings fell on deaf ears and hit brick walls, but hey, we’re all in charge and responsible for our individual choices. Source for the following graph is here –