AI might be clever, but it will never be intelligent because it’s only able to take things literally through a limited amount of parameters. AI will never be able to understand humor, beauty, love, empathy, etc. because it’s soulless. A bit like the psychopaths that run the world, because they too operate on a very limited set of instructions within their own coding which limits their capabilities of being human. All they can do is try and fake it, but then if look carefully enough, you can see the bugs in their programming.
AI might be clever, but it will never be intelligent because it’s only able to take things literally through a limited amount of parameters. AI will never be able to understand humor, beauty, love, empathy, etc. because it’s soulless.
A bit like the psychopaths that run the world, because they too operate on a very limited set of instructions within their own coding which limits their capabilities of being human. All they can do is try and fake it, but then if look carefully enough, you can see the bugs in their programming.