I first stumbled across these reports in mid-2021 as they reveal a telling story that from my knowledge few others have picked up on. With the global censorship and politicians and the MSM turning a bling eye, this comes as no surprise as they have made it clear to the world that these things are left buried because it exposes what has been known all along. Now that so much truth is being exposed about these new experimental mRNA vaccines chances are more people will take seriously what I tried to warn people about all those years ago. When the numbers started rolling in through these reports, there’s clear indication in them that something isn’t quite right with the vaccines and unbelievable that no one whatsoever picked up these early warning signals and the alarm bells that would have gone of it people paid more attention to what was actually happening on ground rather that focusing on getting the vaccines in as many peoples arms as possible.
Thus, I thought it was time to revisit and add all the latest figures within the reports to see what more I could add to the graphs I produced in 2021. It’s taken a good part of 12 hours to collate all this data into one spreadsheet and generate the graphs today so I can share these to the world. The date range is limited to when these reports included the tables in full as they only appeared between Week 36 2021 & Week 13 2022. The calculations are simple percentages or in the cases of deaths, the official term is Case Fatality Rate or Infection Fatality Rate. The formular being 100/Case*Deaths = CFR/IFR.
Using the unvaccinated as the control group, if the mRNA vaccines really were “safe and effective” as we were and still are lead to believe there would be little difference between the CFR/IFR rates between the unvaccinated and those who we’re fully vaxxed and boosted. As you can see this is clearly not the case. In Week 36 2021 the fully vaccinated were dying at 2.51 times the rate of the unvaccinated, that’s a whopping 251% increase. It gets worst, by Week 42 2021 this increase to 5.19 times or 519% more that the unvaccinated.
What’s also interesting is how from Week 50 2021 the fatality rates had started dropping and by Week 1, 2 & 3 2022 they fell below the unvaccinated rates only to return to the same levels by Week 6 2022. Considering this is peak winter period where the UK always see’s it highest winter fatalities, I can only assume that these deaths were being recorded as something other than Covid. It’s taken a good part of 12 hours to collate all this data into one spreadsheet and generate the graphs today so I can share these to the world. For complete and open transparency here are the sources along with the spreadsheet that I generated to produce the results so you can fact check this all that you want. In October the UK’s governing body changed its name from Public Health England to the UK Health Security Agency, hence the two different sources below.
Deaths Within 28 Days Of A Positive Test

Deaths Within 60 Days Of A Positive Test

Emergency Care Within 28 Days Of A Positive Test
Another thing that we used to hear all the time was how vaccinations were saving people from being hospitalized, yet for the mid to latter part of 2021 it doesn’t look like they were, but come early 2022 there’s still no proof that they were. I’ll have to take a look at the other reports both prior and after the date range used for these graphs for more clarification.

For complete and open transparency here are the sources along with the spreadsheet that I generated to produce the results so you can fact check this all that you want. In October the UK’s governing body changed its name from Public Health England to the UK Health Security Agency, hence the two different sources below.
Public Health England – Week 36 2021 to Week 38 2021 : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-surveillance-report
UK Health Security Agency – Week 39 2021 to Week 13 2022 : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-surveillance-reports