Labor is mounting a draconian push to regulate smart devices which will prevent Australians from seeing the most relevant content when they switch on their TV. a.k.a. government propaganda with take the forefront. Might as well put an image of big brother on peoples...
Why Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy is ESSENTIAL
I find the the yin yang one of the best ways to the view the world and the people within it. It allows us to see and understand all aspects of the the pendulum swing and how it effects the overall balance of things, even when it swings too far either way. There's no...
AI might be clever, but it will never be intelligent
AI might be clever, but it will never be intelligent because it's only able to take things literally through a limited amount of parameters. AI will never be able to understand humor, beauty, love, empathy, etc. because it's soulless. A bit like the psychopaths that...
Dreaming is like the decentralization of the soul
Dreaming is like the decentralization of the soul. You are nothing, but everything, you are nowhere, but everywhere at the same time. It’s only when you wake up that you become centralized again into the here and now, a mere figment of who and what you are. We are...
Down the memory hole…
Things are mysteriously disappearing online in the last few weeks and its nothing to do with Cancel Culture. This however, shows hope in Gen Z because when the world doesn't make sense, the first thing to do is look for anwers.For many of us, our upbringing was...
Experience is one of our best teachers in life
Our greatest teachers in life are not what we see, read, smell, touch or taste in the external world, it’s through what we experience inside firsthand. For instance, we can read and see as much as we want about love, hate and all the rest, but its not until we experience it firsthand do we understand what they’re truly teaching us.
Some random thoughts on why we live in an alternative realty based on the principles of 2+2=5
World leaders are as transparent about the truth as they are as truthful about their transparency. The most popular President ever voted into power achieves the lowest approval ratings ever 9 months The fully vaxxed need to be protected from the unvaxxed by injecting...