The graphs I've just produced using data download from the official OECD website here and as you can see they're still way up 30.1% above average. It was reported last week excess deaths in the UK are still up 21% in the UK-...
Call me a crazy…
Call me crazy for not believing whatever wild and wacky conspiracies from politicians and the MSM, but non-Covid excess deaths were mounting up in the fully vaxxed long before 2022. Here's how to prove it... Take the Technical Briefings from the UK government titled...
Case Fatality Rates for New Zealand. Omicron is 10 times less fatal than Delta and 20 times less fatal than Alpha.
Considering the vast majority of people die with and not because of Covid but due to comorbidities, people dying from other causes like falling off ladders and gun shot wounds (90% according to UK) figures, the official CFR will be a lot lower and in the realms of...
Fast forward to March 2022, nothing has changed in the slightest.
Like I keep telling people since all the way back in July 2021 when I first started going through the data from Public Health England, now known as UK Health Security Agency. Fast forward to March 2022, nothing has changed in the slightest. Its the jabbed which are...
When an insane world thinks critical thinkers are insane
When an insane world thinks critical thinkers are insane you know fine well the collapse of civilization is just round the corner because people as a whole will believe anything and everything they are told. Once again only approx. 17,000 deaths from Covid and Covid...
Good news about Omicron.
Around the end of November when the numbers started to role in about Omicron I said that it was 10 time less fatal than Delta, which was 10 times less fatal than Alpha. With a 91% drop in deaths, looks like I was spot on about Omicron being 10 times less fatal than...
With Alpha, it was reported in the UK press that children under 18 in the UK had a 1 in 500,000 chance of dying and there’s little difference with Delta.
There are approximately 15.6 million people aged 19 and under in the United Kingdom which means just 1 in every 312,000 children and teenagers have allegedly died with Covid-19 in 18 months who had other serious pre-existing conditions. Whilst just 1 in every 1.1...
NNV or Number Need To Vaccinate speaks for itself depending on what it’s used against.
For example there’s this from the Lancet “Although attention has focused on vaccine efficacy and comparing the reduction of the number of symptomatic cases, fully understanding the efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines is less straightforward than it might seem.”...
I recognize those numbers…
Here's the case Fatality Rates from a "retired analyst and former head of clinical audit at a busy NHS teaching hospital." Only difference between what he's done and what I have been doing is that John's used a rolling average 7-day case fatality rate (deaths per 100...
A message to those who think or led by others that my numbers are wrong.
Here's the description of the Case Fatality Risk from the UK government. I too base my numbers on the latest laboratory-confirmed cases & deaths from the UK. I too work out the fatality rates exactly the same way as shown here. It’s blatantly obvious there are...